It's about time don't you think. I told you I was computer illiterate. Did you think I was kidding? By the way Crystal the computer NAZI is watching me and YELLING at me the whole time I am doing this. Ya, like she is so great at BLOGGING! Anyway, here goes................
Lots has been going on, nothing interesting except my new, top of the line, beautiful, shiny white refridgerator. (Shut up Crystal) Lynette and Dustin took a trip to St. George and found it on clearance and made arrangements with my hubby to buy it for me. I would have been happy with a motel fridge, but they wouldn't let me have one. Anyway this is what I ended up with for my birthday. It's awesome. And look how much food it holds. Guess how many weight watcher points it holds, like a trillion. (I know Crystal, leave me alone) A blogging tip for all you bloggers out there. Blog alone!!!!! All this left and right clicking is making me crazy. I mean can't there be an easier way?